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MAXWELL Caroline Elizabeth Sarah maxwell (caroline elizabeth sarah) (5)
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MAXWELL, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
NORTON, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
HOGE, Jemes Otey
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Author: MAXWELL (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah)
STIRLING-MAXWELL (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah), Lady. NORTON (Caroline E.S.), Hen. Mrs., after’iards STIRLING-MA34ELL (Caroline E.S.), Lady.
Card ID: 188
Author: NORTON (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah)
3(ix ) ffc ClfecSrn priL 4 NORTON (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah), Hon. Mrs. George Norton, afterwards STIRLING-MAXWELL (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah), Lady. ACLAND (Alice). Caroline Norton. London, 1948.
Card ID: 131
(XIX)ba f(Lia-’ttat! NORTON (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah), Hon. Mrs. George Norton, afterwards STIRLING-MAXWELL (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah), Lady. The Dream and other poems. [Second edition, revised.] pp. 260. 12°. New York and Boston, 1845. Bound in a volume lettered “Norton’s poems.”
Card ID: 130
Author: HOGE (Jemes Otey)
YM 1(832? HOGE (Jemes Otey). ee NORTON (Caroline Elizabeth Sareh), Hon.Mrs. George Norton, fterwsrds STIRLING-MAXWELL (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah), lady. [Letters.) The Letters of Caroline Norton to Lord Melbourne. Edited by James 0. Koge and. Clarke O]ney. [Columbus, Ohio), 197I.
Card ID: 565
Author: No Author available
çX1.9. \1.JJ NORTON (Caroline Elizabeth Sarah), Hon. Mrs. George Norton, afterwards STIRLING-MAXWELL aro1ine Elizabeth Sarah), Lad3r. The Child of the Islands: a poem. pp. 193. Table. 12°. New York and Boston, 1S46. Imperfect: wanting pp. 1.-li. Bound with “The lYream and other poems” In a vo1uniTLettered “Norton’s poems.”
Card ID: 128