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MAURIER George Louis Palmella Busson a:a louis|k:in (louis) (3)
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MAURIER, George Louis Palmella Busson
AURIER, George Louis Palmella Busson
No Author available
Author: MAURIER (George Louis Palmella Busson)
z STEtUNG L!RARY RFFENCE O’TLY DU MAURIER (George Louis Palmella Busson). Trilby: a novel...With...illustrations by the author and facsimiles of selected pencil sketches. pp. x. i- 447. I,.P. 8°. Tondon, 189. No. 2o1 250 copies, siçned by the author. Farry Price Librar For Refercnce Only i• _i1 [Añother cdil4on. J p. x. + 447. Illustrations. [H.P.L.J 8°. 1895. [Another copy.]
Card ID: 406
Author: AURIER (George Louis Palmella Busson)
SFLflh’ LIRdE’ Cj — iS’C OLY DU 4AURIER (George Louis Palmella Busson). The Martian: a. novel...With illustrations by the author. pp. viii. + 471. Porrait. 8°. London and New York, 1898. [C.Ly I CAnother edition.) pp. viii. + 471. Portrait. 8°. London and New York, 1898. No.2 of 2O oopies on larRe paper, with 6 reproduotioi rf ntil studies by Du. Maurier. 8.11.0., 1.3’
Card ID: 402
Author: No Author available
$TERLW!G LlE.-Y S.Lji L.9 “‘‘“ cc ODeL( - DU UiE (George Louis Palmella. Busson). Peter Ibbetson. With an introduction by his cousin Lady **** . Edited [or rather, written] and illustrated by G. dii Maurier. 2 vols. 8°. ondon, 1892 [1891). First English edition. -— — [Another edition.] pp. 381. 8°. London, 1892.
Card ID: 403