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MATTHEWS John a:t alexander|k:t (alexander) (7)



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    Author: MATTHEWS (John)


    H (‘c’”t MATTHEWS (John), Colonel. Eloisa en dishabille: being a new version of that lady’s celebrated epistle to Abelard. Ascribed to ?rofessor Porson. [A parody on Pope’s Eloisa to Abelard, by John Matthews. Vlith the poem of Pope.] London, 1822. . POPE (Alexander), the Poet. [Eloisa to Abelard — Parodies, etc.)

    Card ID: 264

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    Author: MATTHEWS (John)


    MATTHEWS (John), Genea1ogie.. CANTERBURY, Province of. ezogative Couzt,,., “Year books of probates17.. Abstracts of probates and sentences in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1620-4. Edited by J.Matthews and G.F.Matthews. London, 1911 [1914].

    Card ID: 265

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    Author: MANTY (John Matthews)


    r MANTY (John Matthews). Piers P1oan; the work of one or of five. Dr. J. J. Jusserand’s first reply to Prof. Manly...Professor J. iL Manly’s answer to Dr. J. J. Jusserand...Dr. Jusserand’s second reply to Prof. Manly) eto. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institution, Societies — etc.) Early glish Text SooietIPub1ioations.j — Or1ith1 Ser3J.-..— - 139 b,o,de,f. The Piers Plowman Controversy, etc. London, 1910.

    Card ID: 174

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    Author: MANLY (John Matthews)


    MANLY (John Matthews). See ENGLAND. Miscellaneous Subheadings. AnIO-Norman Text $ociet IPublicat ions. 4. La Seinte Resureccion, from the Paris and Cinterbury lASS. Edition begun by...T. . Jenkins & J.Lt.Manly, Oxford, 1943.

    Card ID: 176

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    Author: MATTHEWS (John erbert)


    1Lk -Rii] MATTHEWS (John erbert). See IEVUE DES LETTRES MODERNES. La Revue des lettres modernes, Nos. 64-.66. Albert Canus. (I. ‘L’Etranger’ a 1’ét’anger: Camus devant la critique anglo— saxorine, Textes r4unis et pr4sent4s par J.TLMatthews. (Confjguratjon critique, 5. Paris, 1961.

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: MATTHEWS (John Pengwerne)


    Ys MoJ MATTHEWS (John Pengwerne). Tradition in exile: a comparative study of social influences on the development of Australian and Canadian poetry in tie nineteenth century. [With a bibliography.] (Universitr of Toronto. Department of EnglIsh. Studles anTexts, 10.) pp. viii. + 197. 80. Toronto and Melbourne, 1962.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: TLY (John Matthews) and ZICLEHT (Edith)


    iA)TLY (John Matthews) and ZICLEHT (Edith). Contemporary American literature, bibliogra.phie and study outlinos...Introduotion and. revision by F. B. Miilett. pp. viii.÷ 78. - 8. London L1929 ]

    Card ID: 177