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MASON Michael Henry a (michael) (5)
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MASON, Michael Henry
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Author: MASON (Michael Henry)
EPOBITORV MASON (Michael Henry). The Arctic forests. pp. xiii. + 320. Portraits, plates and folded maps. 80. ondon, 1924.
Card ID: 199
MtJNO WIL Ma s MASON (Michael Henry). Willoughby the immortal: an account of the ilfe and actions of Rear—Admiral Sir Nesbit Willoughby, Kt., C.B., K.C.H., 1777-1849, ‘The Hero of Mauritius’. pp.102. Port., plates, maps. Oxford printed, 1969.
Card ID: 200
Author: WILLIAMSON (Henry)
q WILLIAMSON (Henry), Novelist. &Q MASON (Michael A.) The Prose literature of natural history, 1878—1927. A critical study of the chi popular writers on natural history, v,ith special reference to Riehard Jefferies, William Henry Hudson and Henry Williamson. 1952.
Card ID: 272
Author: No Author available
• ;s;; (William Henry), F.Z.S.. M See MASON (Michael A.) The Prose literature of natural history, 1 878—1927. A critical study of the chief popular writers on natural history, with special reference to Richard Jefferies, William Henry Hudson and Henry Williamson, 1952.
Card ID: 177
Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)
‘(14 q’3 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] The Folio Press Sh’kespeare. [Continued.] S1ip—caie 3. Th Life and death of King John...Introduction by Stuart Burge. Designs by Robin Archer. 1973. King Henry IV, part one. Introduction by Roger Planchon. Designs by Rene Allio. (Se,copd. ijnpression.) 1965 [1975]. King Henry IV, part two. Introduction by Brewster Mason. Designs by Eliabth Haffenden and Joan Bridge. 1975. King Henry V. Introduction by Michael Croft. Designs by Graham Barlow. 1976. Much do about nothing. Introduction by Denise Coffey. Designs by Tim Goodchi].d. 1976. The Merry wives of Windsor. Introduction by Terry Hands. Desirris by Timothy OtBrien. 1974. [ss NEXT CARD.]