
Search Term (count):

MARTINET Andre a:on e|k:e (or) (2)



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    Author: MARTINET (Andre)


    Mcr MARTINET (Andre), Ancien Pensionnaire de Ia Fondat ion Thiers. Misce1nea homenaje...a Andre Martinet. Estrucburalismo e historia. Editada porD. Cataln. [By various authors. With a bibliography of Martinet’s worke.j (Bib— lioteca ‘ilol6gica de is. Univerdidad de la Laguna.J 2 vole. Maps. 8. LTenerifei, 1957—58.

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: MARTINET (Andre), Ancien Pensionnaire de la Fondation Thiers and WEINR)ICH (Uriel)


    A° [4i WvcLj MARTINET (Andre), Ancien Pensionnaire de la Fondation Thiers and WEINR)ICH (Uriel). Linguistics todsy. Published on the occasion of the Columbia University Bicentennial. Edited by A. Martinet and U. Weinreich. [With bib1ioi’aphies.:A reprint of Word, vol. 10, Nos. 2—3.] (Publications of the LinRuistic Circle of New lork, .) pp. 280. 8. New York, 195ii-.

    Card ID: 115