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MARTIN Benjamin a:an benjamin|k:0478 (5)
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MARTIN, Benjamin
MARTIN, Benjamin Ellis
MARTIN, Benjamin E
Author: MARTIN (Benjamin)
Z7Lf MARTIN (Benjamin), Optician. Bibliotheca technologica; or, a Philological library of literary arts and sciences, etc. pp. (20) ÷ 651. Tables. 0• london, 1737.
Card ID: 65
MARTIN (Benjamin), Op.oiaii. The Genera]. iagazine of arts Lind sciences, etc. See GEN1AL VGAINF OF ARTS AND SCIE.CES.
Card ID: 69
MARTIN (Benjamin), Optioian. The Prinoiples of perspective explained in a genuine theory, and applied in an extensive practice, with the construction and uses of all such instruments as are subservient to the purposes of this scIence. pp. ‘(‘i) + 51. Plate. EL. I.) 4°. Lcndon, [1770?] Bound ia_vol’ime lettered: Tracts by B. Martin.
Card ID: 79
Author: MARTIN (Benjamin Ellis)
Yrl L’) o MARTIN (Benjamin Ellis). In the footprints of Charles Lamb...Illustrated... ‘‘ith a bib1iography [of the works of C. Lambs by E. IL North. pp. (to) + 193. 8°. London, t891.
Card ID: 83
Author: MARTIN (Benjamin E11)
DEPOSITORY MARTIN (Benjamin E11) and MARTIN (Charlotte M.) The Stones of Paris in hist,ory and let,t,rs... Illustrated, 2 vols, EL. I. 8°. London, 1900.
Card ID: 85