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MARSH George Perkins (2)



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    Author: MARSH (George Perkins)


    • 3/• 7 MARSH (George Perkins). Lectures on the English ] series...Foirth edition, revised and enlarged. pp. x. + 7].. 8°. New York and London, 18&2. [Another edition,) The Student’s manual of the English language... Edited, with additional lectures, by W. Smith. pp. xi. + 498 80 London, 1862. perfeot; part of the title-page is torn away. [SEE iEXi’ CJRD.]

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: MARSH (George Perkins)


    MARSH (George Perkins). 3 The Origin and hi8tory of the Englieh language and of the early literature it embodies...evised edition. pp.xv, 574. Bibi. [L.t.] ew York, 1885.

    Card ID: 44