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MARSDEN William a:e |k:e (or) (3)
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MARSDEN, William
JIIND, William Marsden
Author: MARSDEN (William)
MARSDEN (William), F.R.S. The History of Sumatra, etc. [Continued.] are dated i8i3. All but one of these are also contained in the folio atlas, but some of thei have been re—engraved. 2.
Card ID: 494
:4- 39 MARSDEN (William) F.R.S. Miscellaneous works. (On the Polynesian, or east—insular lanuaes. On a conventional R.oman alphabet, applicable to oriental lanuaea. Thoughts on the. composition of a national Enlis dictionary.) 3 parts in l1vol. CL. T.j AO r , 1’zA e .k’J
Card ID: 495
Author: JIIND (William Marsden)
U’‘•i” JIIND (William Marsden). The Flora of Suffolk...By W.M.Hind, assisted by C.Babington. With an introductory chapter of the geology, climate and meteorology of Suffolk byW.Hind. [With a bjbiià— gra)hy.J pp. xxxiv. + 508. p and tables. 80. London, 1889.
Card ID: 308