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MARO publius a:in use|k:in (use) (3)



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    Author: MARO (publius)


    B b L v; 1 VtRGILIUS MARO (publius). [Worcs. - iatin and Eflgii8h ‘The Works of Virgil translated into English prose... with...notes...por the use of sehools...Theseo— on edition. 2 vols. Frontispieces. LG.G.) 0 8 . London, l’?48.

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: MARO (Publius)


    Bs[SJ- VIRGILIIJS MARO (Publius). [Appendix. —. Oictionaries. and Concordances.) Clavis Virgiliana; or, a Vocabulary of all the words in Virgil’s Bucolics, Georgics,,and hed...Compi1ed out of the best authors on Virgil, by several hands,...Yor the use of schools etc. pp. iv. + o8. 8°. London, OxIord printed, 1815.

    Card ID: 263

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    Author: OLLOPE (William)


    XIL V750 881 1OLLOPE (William), M.A., o1 Pembroke Coileg, Cazr1bridB. See VThGILIUS MARO (Publius). [Aeneis. - Latin.] P. Virgilii Maronis Aeneis. The Aeneid of Virgil, with g1ish notes, critical end explenatory, a metrical cJ.avis, and an historical, geographical and mythological index, by C. Anthon. ited, with considerable alterations, and eapted to the use of mglish schools and colleges by W. Trollope. London, i881.

    Card ID: 594