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MARLOWE Christopher a:to john|k:to (john) (8)
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MARLOWE, Christopher
IE, Christopher
No Author available
Author: MARLOWE (Christopher)
, MARLOWE (Christopher). [Appendix.) C) See INGRAU (John H.-) Marlowe & his poetry. i6°. London, 1926.
Card ID: 516
MARLOWE (Christopher). [The Troublesome Reign of King John.] [For The Troublesome reign of King John, sometimes attributed to 1arlowe:] SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works attributed to Shakespere. — The Troub1esoie Rigne of Jolan, King of England.]
Card ID: 493
MARLOWE (Christopher). [Edward the Second.J The Troublesome reign and lamentable death of Edward the Second, King of England. See KELTIE ( John S.) The Vdorks of the British dramatists, ç. pp. 100—127. 8°. London and. Edinburgh, 1875.. fG7 —[A reprint.] 8°. dinburgh, 1894.
Card ID: 432
Author: IE (Christopher)
XIL 0930 973 MARLC7IE (Christopher). [Works translated or vith Contributions by Marlowe.] Christopher Marlowe: Ovid’s Elegies. John Davies: epigrams. 1595. [FacsIni1e reproductions of two editions pirporting to have been produced at Middleburgh in Hoflend. The Bincttey text: Epigrwunes and elegies. By I.D. [i.e. Sir John Davies] end C.M. (i.e. Christopher Marlow]. - The Mason text: AU Ovid’s elegies: 3 bookes. By C .M. Epigrems by J.D. 3 tntrodu.ctoxy note by A.J. Smith. Scolar Press: Menston, 1973. See OV]DIUS NASc (Publius). [Amorea. - Enclish.]
Card ID: 494
Author: No Author available
DAVIES John), Attorney—General for Ireland. Epigrams and elegies, by J.Davies and C .Marlowe. See MARLOWE (Christopher). [works.j The Works of Christopher Marlowe, etc. Vol.3. London, 1826.
Card ID: 38
Ve ICc j ‘‘Lt1,.. MARLOWE (Christopher). [Works translated or with Contributions bytarlowe.] .ç EDMCNDS (Charles), Editor of the Poetry of the Pnti—Jacobin. Venus and Adonis...the Passionate pu— grime...Epigrammes, written by Sir John Davies, and eertaine of Ovid’s elegies, translated by C.Marlowe... Edited by C.Edmoncls. London, 1870.
Card ID: 495
Author: OVIDIUSNASW (Publius)
xlii 0930 973 OVIDIUSNASW (Publius). [Amores. - glish.] Christopher Marlowe: Ovid’s Elegies. John Davies: Epigrams. 1595. LFacsimile reproductions of two editions purporting to have been produoed atMiddleburgh in Holland. The Bindley text: Epigrammes and elegies. By.I.D. [ie. Sir John Davies] and CM. I:i.e. Christopher Marlowe).. — The Nason text: All. Ovid’s elegies: 3 bookes. By 0.11. Epigrams by J.D.] introductory note by A.J.Smith. pp. (164). Scolar Press: Menston, 1973. Wanting A of the Bindley text which is missing in the British Museum copy from which the facsimile was made.
Card ID: 143
)(IL DAVIES C; John) ttoriwy Genejal for Ireland. Epigranimes and elegies. By I.D. ESir John Davie&] and c.M. (C.Marlowe]. See OVIDIUS ‘NASO (Publius). [Amoree. = English.] Christopher Marlowe: Ovid’s Elegies. John Davies: Epigrams. 1595. Facsimile reproductions of two editions purporting to have been produced at Middelburgh in Holland.] Introductory note by A.J.Smith. Scolar Pros: Nenton, 1973.
Card ID: 39