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MANRIQUE Jorge (2)



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    Author: MANRIQUE (Jorge)


    XPK MANRIQUE (Jorge). [0oplas. Glosas a las coplas de Jorge Manrique. [The text with glosses by various authors.] (ElAyre de la Almena, 7—10.) Vols. 5—6. 8°. cieza, 1962—65. Imperfect; wanting Vols 1-2. Edition 1iited to 255 copies. Vol sn 4 are J of 3 marked A—Z Vol. 5is No. 162; Vol. 6 is U of O marked A—Z. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 148

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    Author: MANRIQUE (Jorge)


    Xi’K M27&- MANRIQUE (Jorge). [Coplas.] Glosas a las coplas de Jorge Manrique. [Continued.] 6. Gregorio Silvestre. [A facsimile of the first edition of 1582. With a bibliography of all known glosses of Manrique, compiled by A. Prez y G6mez.] 1963.

    Card ID: 150