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MANNING John a:as john|k:to (john) (9)
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MANNING, Henry Edward
BOOKER, Jobn Manning
ONS, John
DICKENS, Charles John Huffam
No Author available
Author: MANNING (John)
r4 - ft MANNING (John). Dickens on education. [With a bibliography.] pp. x. .+21. 8° Toronto [and London), 1959.
Card ID: 65
Author: MANNING (Henry Edward)
MANNING (Henry Edward), Carina11 Archbishop of Westminster. FITZSIMONS (John). Manning: Anglican and Catholic. [By various authors.] Edited by J Fit zsimons. London, 1951.
Card ID: 48
Author: BOOKER (Jobn Manning)
(x) BOOKER (Jobn Manning). SHI?1E (Hill). Booker memorial studies: eight essays on Victorian literature [by various authors] in memory of John Manning Booker, 1881— 1948. Edited by H.Shine. Chapel Hill, 1950.
Card ID: 320
Author: ONS (John)
DEPOSITORY FITZSflONS (John). Manning: Anglican and Catholic. [By various authors.) Edited byJ.Fitzsimons. pp. vii. + i6o. 8° London, 1951.
Card ID: 136
Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)
DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [Appendix.] NcP. See MANNING (John). Dickens on education. Toronto [and London], 1959.
Card ID: 338
Author: No Author available
2c , J?yLrC..’? DICKENS (Charles John Huff am). [Letter on the Manning s’ Execution. J [Reprint of a letter to The Times on the annings? execution.] 8°. [London, 1849]. inserted in orstex’s Lifeof Dickens.
Card ID: 116
12çf P’1.A 1TERFEL (Franz V.) - 3ee MANNING (John R I>.) The Historical; drama of expressionism, vith special reference to the orks of iCa±ser, Fritz von Bnruh and : Franz Werfel. 1959.
Card ID: 268
.-. tt.zct [etfl*?J BOOKER (John Manning). A ILiddle English bibliography. Dates, dialects and sources of the XII., XIII.,-and XIV century monuments and. manuscripts exclusive of the works of Wyclif, Gower and Chaucer and the documents in the London dialect. pp. 76. 0 S . Heidelberg, 1912.
Card ID: 319
-r •.:--. MANNING (John Roger. Davys). The Historical drama of expressionizi, ‘i.iith special reference to the rks of Georg Kaiser, Fritz von Unruh and Franz Werfel. [With a bib1iograhy. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of MA. of the University of London in 1959.] 286 leaves. IllustraUorIsL. 40 1959.
Card ID: 66