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MANNING Henry Edward a:c henry|k:c(c) (6)
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MANNING, Henry Edward
MANNING, Henry edward
MANNING, Henry Edward, Cardjn
Author: MANNING (Henry Edward)
(9 0 MANNING (Henry Edward), Cardna1, Archbi shop of Westminster. The Mind of Christ the perfection and bond of the Church: ri sermon [on Philipp. ii. 5) oreached at St.Peter’s Church, Brighton... December 9, 141, pp. 23. [S.R.] 8°. Chichester, 1841. ]3ol2nd in a volun:e 1etteroc: Sermons. Puoy &c.
Card ID: 42
Author: MANNING (Henry edward)
i rc MANNING (Henry edward), Qardinal, ArchbishD of We s tmt National education: a sermon preached in the Cathedral church af chichester, Thursday, the 31st. May, 1838, iii behalf of the Chichester Central Schools...Published at the request of the Committee. pp. 34. 8°. LondQji and Chicheter, 1838. [.Another copy.]
Card ID: 43
MANNING (Henry Edward), Cardinal, A.chbishop ot Westninste. Sermons. 4 vols. 8°. London, 1848—50. Vol.l_js the 27th. vol. 2 the 5th. vol. 3 the 4th and vol. 4 is the nd edition.
Card ID: 45
MANNING (Henry Edward), Carina11 Archbishop of Westminster. FITZSIMONS (John). Manning: Anglican and Catholic. [By various authors.] Edited by J Fit zsimons. London, 1951.
Card ID: 48
MANNING (Henry Edward), Cardinal, Archbishop of wéstiatnitbr. See POUARD (C.) The Christ, the son of God...Translated ff$om the fifth edItion... With an introduction by Cardinal Manning. London, 1912.
Card ID: 49
Author: MANNING (Henry Edward), Cardjn )
MANNING (Henry Edward), Cardjn )ächbishoi of Wetmjnster. - [For editions of G.Lytton Stracheyts “Ethineht Victorians: Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold, General Gordon”:) STBACBEY (Giles L.)
Card ID: 55