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MANLEY Mary de la Riviere manley (mary de la riviere) (2)
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MANLEY, Mary de la Riviere
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Author: MANLEY (Mary de la Riviere)
i’‘ - MANLEY (Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Mary Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>De Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>La Riviere). See UGU5TAN REPRL!4 SOCI1Y. Publications. 32. Prefaces to fiction...Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Mary Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>De Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>La Riviere Manley, Preface to The Secret history of Queen Zarah, 1705... With an introduction by B. Boyce. OAnis, 1952.
Card ID: 158
Author: No Author available
p,Q AUGUSTAN REPRINT SO0ITY. Publications. 32. Prefaces to fiction. Georges Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>De Scudéry, Prface to Ibrahim, 1674. Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Mary Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>De Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>La Riviere Manley, Preface toThe Secret history of queen Zarah, 1705. Jean- Baptiste Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>De Boyer, Marq.uis d’Argens, The Jewish spy, 1744, Letter 35. William Warburton, Preface to Voluaies III and IV, 1748, of Richardson’s CLass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Larissa. Samuel Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Lass='text-error'>Derrick, Preface to dArgens’s Menioirs of the Count thi Beauval, 1754. With an introduction by B. Boyce. pp. xii. + (64). 50 Los Ang1es, 1952
Card ID: 115