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MAN, John Henry
Author: MAN (John Henry)
VRA7 NIi5F 975 NVdMAN (John Henry), Cardi.i1. [Letters.] John Henry Newman and the Abb4 Jaer: a controversy on scripture and tradition [in letters plished in L’Univers and Le Moniteur religieux], 1834-1836. Edited frcsi the original nnuscripts and the French version by Louis Allen. (University of Durham Publications.) pp.x, 202. London, 1975.
Card ID: 361
PRA7 967 NE4MAN (John Henry), CaIina1. On the lr.spiratlon of Scripture. [ published in ‘The Nineteenth Century’ and. later as the first of the ‘Stray Essays ‘1.. .Edited. vlth an introduction by J.D.Mo].mes and I.Murray. pp. 153. 8°. London, 1967.
Card ID: 531
N7MAN (John Henry), Cardinal. See IDDLETON (Robert D.) Newman & Bloxham: an Oxford friendship. London, 1947.
Card ID: 583
NiMAN (John Henry), CarLrat. See OLDCA3TL (J.), j,seuri. [i.e. W. 4yILL]. Catholic life and letters ot’ Cardinal Newman, etc. £onion, [i88?].
Card ID: 592