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MALCOLM Alexander a:art alexander|k:art (alexander) (2)
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MALCOLM, Alexander
SCOTT, Alexander Malcolm
Author: MALCOLM (Alexander)
)cJ MALCOLM (Alexander). A Treatise of rnusick, speoulative, practical aid historical. Containinc aai explication of the philosophical and rational cZrouds a22%i principles thereof, the nature and office of the scale of musiok, the whole art-of writing notes, aid the general rules of composition. With a particular account of the antiont musiok, and a. comparison thereof with the rnodern. pp. xxiii.. + 808. Folded plates. !L. I.] 8°. Tn4, 1730.
Card ID: 179
Author: SCOTT (Alexander Malcolm)
rlXeL SC:) SCOTT (Alexander Malcolm). The Battle of Langside, MDLXVIII. ÷ 98. Portrait and folded map. 8°. Glasgow, 1885.
Card ID: 218