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MADISON WISCONSIN a:a louis|k:in (louis) (6)
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GRINM, Reinhold and HERitAND, Jost
No Author available
OHENDAKL, Peter Uwe and SCHWAPZ, Egon
XW12 Wis MADISON (WISCONSIN). University of Wisconsin. German Depa.rtment. Exil und innere Ehiiration. Third Wisconsin Wc>rkshop [of the German Department, University of Wisconsin]. Herausgegeben von Reinhold Grimsi und Jost Hermand. (Exil mid inhere tigration II. Internationale Tagun in. St. LouIs [oranieed by the German Department, Washington University]. Herausgegeben von Peter Uwe )fohendahl und gon Schwarz.) (Wissensciaftliche Paperbacks. Literaturwissenechaft, 17-1.) 2 vols. Frankfurt, 1972-73.
Card ID: 267
Author: LOUIS (4IsSouRI)
XWT2 Wis SAIWI’ LOUIS (4IsSouRI). Washington University. Gernn Department. ci1 und innere migration II. Internationale Tagung in St. louis [organised by the German Department, Washington University]. Herausgegeben von Peter Uwe Hohendahi und Egon Schwarz. Frankfurt, 1973. See MADISON (WISCONSIN). University of Wisconsin. German Department. Exil unc3. innere Enigration, etc. Vol.2.
Card ID: 450
Author: GRINM (Reinhold) and HERitAND (Jost)
XWT2 Wis GRINM (Reinhold) and HERitAND (Jost). Exil und innere Euigration. Third Wisconsin Workshop [of the German Department, University of Wisconsin). Herausgegeben von Reinhold Grimm uric! Jost Hermand. (E,cil uric! inriere &iigration II. Internationale Tagung in St. Louis (organised by the German Department, Washington University). Herausgegeben von Peter Uwe Hohendahi uric! Egon Schwarz.) Frankfurt, 1972-73. See MADISON (WISCONSIN). University of Wisconsin. Department.
Card ID: 222
Author: No Author available
XWT2 Wis SCMW.ARZ (Egon). See MADISON (WISCONSIN). University of Wisconsin. German çpartment. Exil und innere Enigration. Third. Wisconsin Workshop [of the German Department, University of Wisconsin]. Herausgegeben von Reinhold Grimm und Jo8t Hermand. (Exil und innere nigration II. Internationale Tagung in St. louis [or.nised by the German Department, Washington University). Herausgegeben von Peter !Jwe Hohendahi und Egon Schwarz.) Frankfurt, 1972—73.
Card ID: 433
Author: HEBMAND (Jost)
XWT2 Wis HEBMAND (Jost). See MADISON (wlscoi,JsIN). University of Wisconsin. Gernnn Department. Exi]. mid innere i)nigration. Third Wisconsin Workshop [of the German Department, University of Wisconsin]. lierausgegeben Von Reinhold Grimm mid Jost Herinand. (Ezdl mid innere nigration II. Internationale Tagung in St. Louis [organised by the Gennan Department, Washington University). Herausgegeben von Peter Uwe Hohendahi mid Egon Schwarz.) Frankfurt, 1972-73.
Card ID: 317
Author: OHENDAKL (Peter Uwe) and SCHWAPZ (Egon)
Wis - ItOHENDAKL (Peter Uwe) and SCHWAPZ (Egon). Exil und innere Enigratioa II. Inteniationale Thgmg in St. Louis [organised by tie Qernan Department, Washington UniversityL Herausgegeben von Peter Uwe Hohendahi und Egon Schwerz. Frankfurt, 1973. See MADISON (WISCONSIN). University of Wisconsin. Gernan Department. Exil und innere Thiigration, etc. Vol. 2.
Card ID: 97