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MADAN Falconer a:sacheverell henry|k:sacheverell(henry) (5)
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MADAN, Falconer
S, Sidney Herbert and MADAN, Falconer
Author: MADAN (Falconer)
MADAN (Falconer) a A Bibliography of Dr. Henry Sacheverell... An extract from the Bibliographer, 1883—4, with additions. pp. 3. / 0 8 . Oxford, printed for the author, 1884. 100 cpis only printed.
Card ID: 539
MADAN (Falconer). “The Fight at flame Europa’i échool”, [by H. W. Pullen] and the literature connected with it...Reprinted, with additions and corrections, from “Notes and Queries”, 1881. pp. 35. i6°. London, 1882. No. 25 of 50 copies printed. - hesentationcopy from the author to Mr. W. 3. Rye. wIth MS. corrections.
Card ID: 548
MADAN (Falconer). Notes on the bibliography of the Oxford editions of the Anatomy [of £nelancholy. By R. Burton 3. By.. E. G. Duff and the Editor (F. See OXFORD. Oxford Bibliographical Society. Proceedings and Papers. Vol. 1. pp. 19t—197. Oxford, 1927.
Card ID: 554
-, MADAN (Falconer). OXFORD. University of Oxford. Balliol College. The Balliol rhymes. Edited from the rare original b,xtoadsheet, with the notes of ...F.ALtadan, c. Oxford! 1939.
Card ID: 565
Author: S (Sidney Herbert) and MADAN (Falconer)
CJO G’3 WILLIA1iS (Sidney Herbert) and MADAN (Falconer). ‘‘ The Lewis Carroll handbook: being a nev version of A.handbook of the literature of the Rev. C.L. Dodgson...Revised, augmented and brought up to 1960 by R.L. Green. pp. xv. + 307. Portraits, plates, facsimiles and tables. -- 8°. London, 1962. Further revised by Denis Crutch. Ports., plates, facsims. and tables. Folkestone, 1979.
Card ID: 582