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MACY, George
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Author: MACY (George)
STERLING LIBRARY ULIL(( REFERErr O’LY MACY (George). LON.)ON. [III.) Ltijj_p.seUiu. An Exhibition of ,ooks designed, illustrated or printed in Great Brltain for Ar. George Macy of New York [on behalf of the Limited Eaitions Club] at the british useuzu, July—September, 1952. Lonon, 1952.
Card ID: 526
Author: No Author available
SrERUNG IJBRARY [s. t-. .7 !U LL1 C( .t REFERENCE OILY SHAW (George Bernard). MACY (George). The Mystery of the unhappy ending [of Great Expectations]: a correspondence [between George Macy and Bernard Shaw and others]. Limited Lditions C1, 1937].
Card ID: 211
STERLING LIBRARY _.JtLt : REFERENCE ONLY - DICKENS (Charles John itufram). [Great xpectations.— Apondix.] See !CY (George). The )Lystery of the unhapçy ending Lof Great Expectations): a correspondence [beteeri George Macy and Bernard Shaw and others]. [New York: Limited Editions C1u, -— 1937].
Card ID: 103
STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE ONLY wcy (George). The i’iystery of ti’e uithapy encllr..g [of Great Expectations]: a corresuondenee [between George Macy and Bernard Shaw and others]. pp. (15). 8°. [Ne orc: Lim1tecIditionsCJ..ub, 193?]
Card ID: 525
STERLING LIBRARY .L.j LILflI E(i’ii: U REFEREr C O”LY ti&t fr1J LIMITED EDITIONS CLUB. LONDON. [III.] British Museum. An Exhibition of books designed, illustrated or ?rinted in Great Britain for Mr. George Macy of New York (on behalf of the Limited Editions ClubJ at the British Museum, July—September, 1952. London, 1952. A
Card ID: 76
1SLi 111 LLif( difrk STERLING LT8PRV L 6 L-Ljk I’IP-Vd/ REFERE1C r’” V LONDON. Brtis MuseuLn. An Exhibition of books designed, illustrated or printed in Great Britain for Mr. George Macy of New Yor1con behalf of the Lrnited Editions Club] at the British 1useurn, July—Septeaier, 1952. (Catalogue.) pp. 15. E’ontispi. 8°. Londqfl, 1952’.
Card ID: 16
Author: ATISSE (Henri)
STERLIcG LLBRAR —qii !i REFERENCE ONLY )iATISSE (Henri). Six signed proofs of original etchings by Henri Matisse...made to serve as illustrations for six episodes in James Joyce’s “Ulysses”, fol. New York, 1935. Catalogued from the paper folder. A typewritten letter from George Macy, the publisher is inserted, explainfng that 150 copies àiiIr were taken from the plates before they werepepared for rintin the Limited Editions CIub edition. These copies are nunibered “IT’. s.i.o.,iv. 161,
Card ID: 25