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MACMILLAN Hugh a:macmillan hugh|k:0580 (7)
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MACMILLAN, Hugh Patti son
MACMILLAN, Hugh Pattison
MACMILLAN, Robert Hugh
Author: MACMILLAN (Hugh)
DEPOSITORY MACMILLAN (Hugh) The Riviera. . . IllustratQd with. . ..ngraviTiPS Cand ±holded map]. pp. x. + 316. L. I.] 1885.
Card ID: 462
Author: MACMILLAN (Hugh Patti son)
MACMILLAN (Hugh Patti son), aaron acian. Law and ethics: inaugural address delivered to the associated societies of the University of Edinburgh. pp. 15. 80. EUjnburand Glasgow. 193 CataiGgued from the wraDper. In a box 1et red: Papers by Lord Maciilian.
Card ID: 470
Author: MACMILLAN (Hugh Pattison)
MACMILLAN (Hugh Pattison), Baron Macmillan. Law and language: the presidential address the Holdsworth Club of the students of the Faculty of Law in the University of Birmingham delivered at thc University, Edmund Street, on May 15th, 1931. pp. 22. 80. Birmingp,[1931]. Catalogued from the wrapper. In a box lettered: papers by Lord acmillan.
Card ID: 472
MACMILLAN (Hugh Pattison), Baron Macmillan. Law and other things. pp. (8) + 283 + (1). 8°. Cambridge, 1957.
Card ID: 474
MACMILLAN (Hugh Pattison), aron Macmilla4. La Legislaci6n comparada y las cortes imperiales brituicas: disertaci6n a cargo de the Right aonourable Lord Macmillan. onferencista designado poi’ el Instituto IberO—Americano de la Gran Bretalla...agosto 23 de 1935. pp. 14. 8°. [Montevideo?, 1935]. In a box lettered: Papers by Lord Macmillan.
Card ID: 478
k ‘ MACMILLAN (Hugh Pattison),Baron Macmillan. Two ways o thinking...The Rede Lecture delivered, before the University ot Cambridge, 9 May 1934. pp. 44. + (2). O CambricIe, 1934.
Card ID: 489
Author: MACMILLAN (Robert Hugh)
MACMILLAN (Robert Hugh). The Communication of ideas: inaugural lecture delivered at the [University) College [of Swansea] on 5 December 1957. pp. 25. 0 8 . f Swansea, 1958.)
Card ID: 519