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MACKIE Robert Cuthbert a:r john|k:to (john) (3)
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MACKIE, Robert Cuthbert
Author: MACKIE (Robert Cuthbert)
1453 MACKIE (Robert Cuthbert). Laynn extraordinary: John R • Mott, 1865-1955. Ry R.C.Mackie and others. Foreword by W.A. Visser’t Hooft. pp. 127. 80. [London], 1965.
Card ID: 346
90U (PcI) MACKIE (Robert Cuthbert). BELL (George Kennedy Allen), Bishop of Chiches ter. “We intend to stay together”: four talks on [the Second Assezb3.y of the World Council of Churches atJ £vanston, (broadcast during July, 1954). By the Bishop of Chichester [i.e. G.K.A.Beflj, C.R.Dodd, E.N.Robertson, B.C.Macin.e. London, 1954.
Card ID: 347
Pou MACKIE (Robert Cuthbert). See HOOF (Willem Adolph Viser ‘t). LAppendix.] The Sufficiency of God: essays on the ecumenical hope in honour of W.A. Visser ‘t Hooft...[By various authors.j Edited by R.C.Mackie and C.C.West. ndon, 1963.
Card ID: 348