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MACKAY William a:y william|k:it (william) (4)
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MACKAY, William
MACKAY, Robert William
MACKAY, Ronald William Gordon
Author: MACKAY (William)
MACKAY (William). ..EDINBURGH. Scotti8b History Sooiejy. [Pub iióations.] 24. Re cords of the Pre sbyt erie a of Inverness and Dingwall, 1643-1688. Edited, with an introduc*4on.. by V1. Maokey. Edinburgh, 1896.
Card ID: 503
MACKAY (William) EDINBtflOH. Scottish History Soolet,y. fPublioatione.] 47. Chronioles of’ the Prasers: being the Wardla’, manuscript entitled ‘Polichroicon seu PolIcrat.ioa Tenorum; or, the True genealogy of the Frasers’, 918—1874. y...J. Praser. Edited...with notes and introduction, by W. Mackay-. dinburgh. 1905.
Card ID: 504
Author: MACKAY (Robert William)
MACKAY (Robert William). See PLATO. [Sophistes.—Elish.J The Sophistes of Plato: a dialogue on true and false teaching.. Translated, with explanatory notes, and an introduction on ancient and modern aophistry, by R.W.Mackay. London and Edinburgh, 1868.
Card ID: 491
Author: MACKAY (Ronald William Gordon)
IDEPOSITORY’ MACKAY (Ronald William Gordon). Federal Europe. Being the case for European federation together with a draft constitution of a United States of Europe. With a foreword by N. Angeil land a bibliography]. pp. 328 8°. London, 1940.
Card ID: 492