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M eL a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (2)



  • card

    Author: M (eL)


    C)M (eL)1. Se c- I ,%- y s i. MAESTLIN (!Lic,hael). Epitozue astronoini, qva brevi explicatione omnia, tam ad spharieam qvam theoricain eius partem pertinentià, ex ipsius scienti fontibus deducta, perspicue per qustiones traduntur, conscripta per M. Maestlinvm. pp. (36) + 495 + (1), Diagrams and folded tables. [De M.J 8°, Excudebat I. ylius: Heidelberg, 1582. Page 407 is incorrectly numbered 707. he lower part of the titlepage is slightly damaged, Dart of the imprint being missing4 [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 569

  • card

    Author: EL (August Wiihe)m von)


    XWQ 5332a Koc SCHLE2EL (August Wiihe)m von). See KOEBI4ER (Josef). Romantiker imd KLassiker: die Brilder Schlegel in ibren Beziebungen zu Schifler und Goethe. (unvez4nderter reprograflsehcr No.chdruck der Ausg&e Berlin 19211.) Darmstadt, 1971.

    Card ID: 422