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M William Somerset a:as william|k:it (william) (4)
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M, William Somerset
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Author: M (William Somerset)
NAUGffiM (William Somerset). The Mixture as before: Ishort stories]. pp. ix0 ÷288, - 8°. Londor and TorQntQ, 191,-O. a
Card ID: 152
MAUGHI1M (William Somerset). Frankreich un Kriege. (Berechtigte Uebertragung aus em Englisoilen von pMendelssohn.) pp. (2)+100 + (2). 80. Kingswood, [19401.
Card ID: 146
Author: No Author available
P.S. r M,UGilAM (William Somerset). The Short tory. .. LONDON. [III.Msce1laneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Royal Society Literature. Transactions, etc. (New series.) Essays by divers hands, Vol. 25. pp. 120—134. !4n, 1950.
Card ID: 158
STUDIES UT ENGLISH LIT.,’RATuRE. Studies in iglish literature. EContinued.) Mouton & Co.: The Hague and Paris, 1964, etc 32. BARNES (Ronald L) The Dramatic comedy of (P. William Somerset Maughem. 1968. CtVC cratc 33. SHARPLESS (F. Parvin). Lhe Literary M,€b criticisn of John Stuart Miii. 1967. (v S 34. SPECTOR (Robert D.) English literary periodicals and the climate o opinion during the Seven Years War. 1966. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 308