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M Friedrich Meichior von (2)



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    Author: M (Friedrich Meichior von)


    GRIL4M (Friedrich Meichior von), [Leters.3 Historical & literary memoIrs and anecdotes, selected from the correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot with the Duke of axe— Gotha, between the years 1770 and 1790. Translated from the French. 2 vols. Pçrtrt. [S.LJ 8°. London, 1814.

    Card ID: 102

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    Author: M (Friedrich Meichior von)


    G1 GFfl!M (Friedrich Meichior von), Baron. [Letters.] Correspondance 1ittraire, philosophique et critique par Grimm, Diderot, Rayrial, Meister, etc. Revue sur los textes originaux comprenant outre cc qui a ét publi4 diverses poques los fragments supprims en 1813 par la censure, les parties in4dites conerv4es a la Bibliothque ducale de Gotha et l’Arsenal a Paris. 1otices, notes, table g4nêrale pr UTourneux. i6 vols. 8°. fans, 1877—82.

    Card ID: 104