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M Allan a:on e|k:on (e) (2)



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    Author: M (Allan)


    GO1dM (Allan). Solentiflo and teorn1oa1 libraries. Soe BAK (E. A.) The tlses of’ libraries, etc. pp. 125-152. Londofl,, 192?.

    Card ID: 135

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    Author: No Author available


    ENGLAND. )iscellaneous Subheadings. Society for Research into Higher Education. Research into Higher Education monographs. Continued.] 9. MILLER (Gordon Wesley). Higher education research in Australia and New Zealand: a discussion of the research literature and other studies. 1970. 10. ABERCRC1BIE (Minnie Louis Johnson). Selection and JTVc academic performance of students in a university school of architecture: (Bartlett School of Archi- M,e. tecture, University College London). By M.L.J. Abercrombie, S.Hunt, P.Stringer. 1969. 11. PAYNE (John Allan). Research into student mental 1(1 c health. 1969. 12. ABERCRONBIE (Minnie Louis Johnson). Aims and techniques of grnirn tern-hirii 1970. Third edit: 974. Fourth edit [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 316