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OND, John
SEARLE, William George
No Author available
Author: OND (John)
‘ DRUMflOND (John), of Baihaldy. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Loché ill, chief of the clan Cameron. With an introductory account of the history and antiquities of that family and of the neighbouring clans. (By John Drumniond. Edited by J.klacknight. J CAbbotford Club, 24.) pp. lvii, 412. Port. Edinburgh, 1842. es. —
Card ID: 483
Author: SEARLE (William George)
St SEARLE (William George). Onomo.sticon Anglo—Saxonicum: a list of Anglo-Saxon proper names from the time of Beda to that of King John. [with a bibliography.] pp. lvii. + 601. 0 8 . Cambridge, 1897.
Card ID: 321
Author: No Author available
xc (p.c.i) wflJ.JA (Join Ellis Cer’yn). The Court poet in medieval Ireland. • .Sir John lis Jmoriai lecture, British Academy, 1971. From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. LVII. London, 1972.
Card ID: 352
(4_’ I EDINBURGH. Abbotsford Club. [Publications.1 24. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, chief àf the clan Cameron. With an introductory account of the history and antiquities of that fantily and of the neighbouring clans. JBy John DruErimond. Edited by J.Maclcriight.J pp. lvii.. + ‘ 412. Portrait. 40• Edinburgi, 1842. See DRUMMOND (John), of BaTha1d.
Card ID: 367
& ii L c.J • ENGLAND. Dejartment6 of State and Of ficia]. 3odie. Public Record Office. Rerum Britsnmioiim Medii vi scriptores, etc. 17. Brut y Tywysogion; or, the Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by John ‘?i11iama ab Ithel pp. lvii. + 491. Pacelmiles. 8°. ondcn, 1860..
Card ID: 207
M.ARCET (Jane). Illustrations of political economy. [A review of Mrs. Marcet’s “John Hopkins’s notions of political economy”, and U. Martineau’s tI1lustrations of political economy,” from the F.Ldinburgh Ieview, Vol. LVII, No. 105.] pp. 39. [De 1.) - 8°. [dinburg and. London), 1833. Catalogued from the running-title.
Card ID: 303
[ C!.1, NI YORK. Grolier Club. Areopagitica: a speech of Ir. John Milton for the liberty of unlicensed printing, to the Parliament of England. With an introduction by J.R.Loweil. pp. lvii. ÷ 189. Portrait. 8 New York, 1890. One of nedition of 328 copies.
Card ID: 533