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LYLY John a:on e|k:on (e) (7)



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    Author: LYLY (John)


    c- ICL, LYLY (John), tize 8uphr4st. uphuo the -anatoie of wit,..Therein are contained the delights that it o.1owth in his youth... and the happinesse he reapeth in age, etc. (uphues and his ngland, containing his voyage and adventures, etc.) 2 parts in 1 vol. 80. J. IlauHand: Lon’on, 1636. CATION;— Pert 1, 4 C Port 2, L — Z, 4: 192 un.uwberod evea. Pt 1. Po.(1) Tic; (1)b ba&c; (2)ê — (8)a dediotory epatie to Sir ?Jiiia Weat, d Wart’; 8b To t,e Gent,aiaen Rad.ra; (4) (4)b To the Qacit.O— aen 5ohoere of Oford; (5) — the work: upbuoa, the enatie of iit.; (E)b bpnk. Part . 1o.(81) Ut,. (e2) r (e4) de.lioatory piatiC to war4 jo Vote, !ara of Oxoxd; (84)0 — (B5) To the ladjee nd gent ewoe of [3E NgXT CADJ

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: Y (John)


    LThY (John), the Euphuist. See WJDTON (Leslie E.) Critical writings on the plays of John Lyly, 1700-1953: [a bibliography]. 1957.

    Card ID: 163

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    Author: HOTSON (Joft: Leslie)


    (x) HOTSON (Joft: Leslie). e LYLY -(John), the hufst. ueen Eiizbeth’s entertatnment at Mitcharn: Poet, painter, and musician. Attributed to John Lyly. Fdited by . q0 t son. Now Haven and non, 1953.

    Card ID: 333

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    Author: FEUILLEAT (Albert Gabriel)


    L9L FEUILLEAT (Albert Gabriel). ,John .Lyly: contribution a l’hist.olre de la Renaissance en Angleterre. 1ith a bibliography.] pp. xii. + 6i. Folded tab]. e. 0 8 . Cauibrigç, 1910.

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: LEA (Kathleen Marguerite)


    LEA (Kathleen Marguerite). See LYLY (John), the Euphui st. Mother Bombie, e. [By J.Lyly. A type— facsimile of the edition of 1594, prepared by K.M.Lea with assistance from D.N.Smith.,] [Oxfor printed, 1948].

    Card ID: 533

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    Author: RBER (Edward)


    • LC4:J RBER (Edward). ‘,i_ .Jng1ish reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 9. LYLY (John). Euphue, the anatomy o wit...179. Euphues and his England...]J580. Collated with early subsequent editions, ‘etc. [With a bibliography.) pp. 479. EL.P.] 40• London, 1868. Bound in a volume lettered Vol.4. [Another issue.] 8 • London. 1868. [Another copy.] L. [Another - i3strniflsteT, l89! [SEE NEXT CARD. 1

    Card ID: 507

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    Author: No Author available


    ). -L. . ‘) ic Q. LYLY (John), the ujhuit. Euphues the anatomie of wit. Very pleasant for all gentlemen to read, and most neces— sane to remenber. Wherin are contained the delights that wit fol1oieth in his youth, by the pleasantness o loue: end the happinesse he reapeth in age by the perfeetnesse of wisdome. . .Corrected and augmented. (Euphues and his Eg1and. Containing his voyage and aduentures, mixed with sundry pretty discourses of honest loue, the description of the country, the Court and the manners of the Ile, etc.) 2 parts in 1 vol. D5.-L• L. Printed by I.H[aviland]. and sre to be sold by I.Boler: LondonL 1631. V The thir4jjoint edit’‘ these two works. The register is contin .roughout, and there is no pagination. [iEE \(E’)(-r (fii

    Card ID: 145