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LYELL Charles in (charles) (8)



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    Author: LYELL (Charles)


    DEPO8IOY LYELL (Charles), Bart. The Student’s Lyefl: the principles and methods of geology-, as applied to the investigation of the past history of the earth and its inhabitants. Edited by J. W. Judd. With historical introduction. Second edition, revised and enlarged. With a. portrait and.. .ilJ.ustrations in the text. pp. 56. + 645. 8°. Londofl, 1911.

    Card ID: 112

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    Author: LYELL (Sir Charles)


    EOG Lye LYELL (Sir Charles), Bart. Sir Charles Lye].l’s scientific Journals on the species question. Edited by L. 0. WilBOfle (Yale Studies in the His tory of Sc le TxTFot . New Haven and London, 1970.

    Card ID: 109

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    Author: LYELL (Sir Charles)


    LYELL (Sir Charles), Bart. The Geoloica1 evid.enoee of the antiquity of man, with remarks on theories of the origin of species by variation.. .fllustrated. by .woodcuts. pp. iii. + 520. LG.G.) 0 8 . London, 1863. Appendix. pp. G7—513 + (1). [G. ci.] 60. (London, 1863.} £SEE ‘4EXT.CakD.) I

    Card ID: 105

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    Author: LYELL (Sir Charles)


    LYELL (Sir Charles), l3art.. The Geological evidences of the anUquity of man, etc. [CONPINUED.1 The appendix was printed serately for owners f the first edition, and, the pagination is continuous with the text of that edition. This copy was presentedby the author to eore Grote, ici is bound in Vol. 2bb of the Grote collection of pamphlets.

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: LYELL (Sir Charles)


    DEPCS]T0fY a— — e\era(?,-vca C’p/7 LYELL (Sir Charles), Bart. A Manual of elementary geology; or, the Ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants as illustrated by geological monuments... Fourth and entirely revised edition. Illustrated etc. pp. xxxi.-i- Ci) + 512. [G. U.] 8. London, 1852.

    Card ID: 107

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘‘‘ c1 F LYELL Charles), Bart. See YOUNG (i.E.) Modern scepticism, viewed in relation to modern science; more especially inreference to the doctrines of... Lyell. . .respecting the Noachian Deluge, the antiquity of man, and the origin of species. London, 1865.

    Card ID: 114

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    Author: WILSON (Leonard Gilchrlst)


    EOG Lye WILSON (Leonard Gilchrlst). See LYL (Sir Charles), Bart. Sir Charles Lyell’s scientific journals on the species question. Edited by L. G. Wilson, New Haven and London, 1970.

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    NEW HAVEN (CONNECTICUT) Yale University. Yale studies in the history of sôience and medicine. [Continued.] ti 3. KETT (Joseph F.) The Formation of the American medical profession: the role of institutions, 1780—1860. 4. RUTHERFORD (Ernest), st Baron Rut herford.iLdkic.] Rutherford and BoJ.twood: letters on radioactivity. Edited by L. Badash. 1969. 5. LYELL (Sir Charles), Bart. Sir Chir1es Lyell’s scientific journals on the species question. ‘ Edited by L.G.11i].uon. 1970. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 196