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LUTHER MartIn a:l martin|k:l (martin) (54)



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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    :T D LUTHER (Martin). iWorics. — English.) Luther’s Works. (General editors: J.?elikan nd E.T.Lehiarrn.) [ntjnued.) 9. Lectures on Deuteronomy. J.Pelilcan, editor. D.Poe].lot, assistant editor. 1960. 10. First lectures on the Psalms. I. Psalms 1—75. ii1ton C. Oswald, editor. 1974. 11. First lectures on the Psalms. II. Paalns 76—126. Hilton C. Oswald, editor. 1976. 12. Selected Psalms I. Edited by J.Pelikan. 1955. [S1E NEXT CARD. 3

    Card ID: 208

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    PTA]) L96A 9,5 LUTHER (Martin). [Works. — English.) Luther’s Works. (General editors: J.Pelikan and H.T.Lehmann.) [Continued. J 25. Lectures on Romans: glosses and scholia. Hilton C. Oswald, editor. 1972. 26. Lectures on Galatians. 1535. chapters i-k. J.Pelikan, editor. W.A.]-Iansen, associate editor. 1963. 27. Lectures on Galatians. 1535. Chapters 5-6. Lectures on Galatians. 1519. Che.pters 1—6. J.Pe].ikan, editor. W.AJlansen, associate editor. 1964. 28. Commentaries on I Corinthians 7, I Corinthians 15. Lectures on I Timothy. Milton C. Oswald, editor. 1973. fsE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 212

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    P1ir ‘ L’A LUTHER (Martin). [Works. — English.) Luther’s Works. (General editorsJ.Pelikan an H.T.Lehmann.) [.Continu6d.) +O. Church and ministry. H. Edited by C. Bergendorff... 1958. 41. Church and ministry. III. Edited by E.W.Gritscb. 1966. 42. Devotional writing8. I. Edited by M.O.Dietrich. 1969. 43. Devotional writine. II. Edited by G. K. Vliencke. 1968. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 216

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    LUTHER (Martin). [Works. — En1ish.] Iuther’s works. (General editorsJ.Pelikan and H.T,Lehmafln.) [Continued.] 47. The CjStjLffl in society. 4. iditec1 by F.Sherman. 1971. 48. Letters. I. dited and translated by G.&. Krodel. 1963. 49. Letters. II. Edited and tanslated by G.G. Krodel. 1972. 50. Letters. III. Edited and translated by G.G. Krodel. 1978. rSE1’ Z’i1CT CARD.]

    Card ID: 218

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    F’TA LS% A LUTHER (Martin). LV(orks. — English.] Luther’s works. (General editors J.Pelikan and H.T.Lehmann.) [Continued.) 51. Sermons. I. Edited and translated by J.W.Doberstein. 1959. 52. Sermons. IL Edited by H.J. Hillerbrand. 1974. 53. Liturgy and hy1Ine. Edited by U.S. Leupold. 1965. Sit. Table Talk. Edited and translated by T.G.Tappert. 197. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 219

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    DEPQSrrORY LUTHER (Martin). ESmailer Collections of Works.] Dr, Martin Luth pdagogiche Schrif ten und Ausseiungen: aus Geiflen Werken gesammelt und in einer Einleitung zusanunenfassend. charakterisr7 und dargestelit von H. Keferstein. (H. Beyers Bib].iothek dgog.scher Kiassiker.) pp. xcii. + + 293. 80. Langensaiza, 1888.

    Card ID: 222

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    LUTHER (Martin). LSmaJ.ler Collections of Works.] Oata].ogue of a collection of fifteen hundred tracts by- Martin Luther and his conteinporaries,15fl—1598. [Compiled by J. P, Edmond.] pp. xvi. + 279. Aberdeen privately p’inted, 1903. LINDSAY (J. L.), 26th Earl of Crawford & 9th Earl of Balcarres. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Collations and notes. No. 7.

    Card ID: 226

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    PTP Lq Q4q LUTHER (Martin). (Smaller Collections of’ Works.] Ausgew!hlte Werke. Herausgegeben von 1I.H.Borcherdt mid G .!erz, etc. tCopie4.] —— Erg1nzungreihe. 7 vols., S 8°. tunich, 1 95-63 1. Dass der frele Wille nicthts sei: Antwort D.Martin Luthers an Erasmus von otterdam. 1954. 2. Vorlesungüber den Rmerbrief, 1515/1516’. 1957. 3. Tischredeflh. .1963. • [SEE NT CARD.)

    Card ID: 229

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    LUTHER (Martin). Ismaller Collections of Works.] Ausgew!h1te Werke. Herausgegeben von H.H. Borcherdt undi G.Merz, [Continued.) Ergriaungsreihe. Continu. I +. Von Aderzt bis piphaniasz Evangelienpredigten der Kirchenpostille. i960. 5. Von Advent bis Epiphanias: Epistel— predigten der Kirchenpostille. 1960. 6. Wider den L8wener Theologen Latonius. 1953,. 7. Von den und Kirchen. 1963.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    LUTHER (Martin). [Collections of Letters.] The Letters of Martin Luther. Selected and translated by M.A.Currie. pp. xxxv. + 482. 8. London, 1906.

    Card ID: 231

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    LUTHER (Martin). [Collections of Sermons.) Special and chosen sermons of D.Martin Lvther, collected ovt of his writings and preachings.... Englished by W.G. [i.e. W.Gace.} pp. (16) + 479. 80. Thos Youtrouilhier: London, 158T The titie—pge i mutilated.

    Card ID: 235

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    Author: LUTHER (Martin)


    LUTHER (Martin). [Biblical Commentaries and. Trans1tions- Galatians.] Luthers Vorlesung 1ber den Galaterbief 1516/17. Zum ersten Male herausgegeben von E.vDn Schubert, etc. [With the text.] ide1b, 19i18, 5ee F{IDEL3ERG. Heide1berer Akadenie der ‘Wissensehaften. Abhandiungen. . .Philosophisch—historische Kiasse. 5. Abhandlung.

    Card ID: 241