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LUKE, Sir Samuel
Author: LUKE (Sir Samuel)
LUKE (Sir Samuel). J, Journal of Sir amue1 Luke. Transcribed arid edited, with an introduction, by I. 0. Philip. LOxforc, l95O-53J. ee OX2DRD. OxforcishireRecori Sociç. Oxfordshire kecord Series, 29, 31, 33.
Card ID: 561
LUKE (Sir Samuel). CLCL o1\Lj The Letter books of Sir Samuel Luke, 1644—45. idited by kf.G.Tibbutt. See BEDFORD, County of. Bedfordshire Historical Recóid Soc. The Publications, etc. 42. The Letter books of Sir Samuel Luke, 1644—45. Edited by H.G.Tibbutt. Bedford [and don), 1963.
Card ID: 562