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LUKE, Sir Harry Charles
Author: LUKE (Sir Harry Charles)
DEPOSITORY LUKE (Sir Harry Charles), K.C.M!,. Britain and the South Seas. pp. 71. Plates; tables and maps. 80. London, [1g45).
Card ID: 549
LUKE (Sir Harry Charles), xCS.c’. The British PacifIc islands. LondOn, 1943. See OXFORD PAMPHWTS ON WORLD AFFA IRS Oxford pamphlets on world affairs. No. 64.
Card ID: 550
DEPOSITORY LUKE (Sir Harry Charles), K.C.M.G. The Fringe of the East: a journey through past and present provinces of Turkey. pp. xiii. + 273. Portraits, 1ates and map. [S.r.] 8° London, 1913.
Card ID: 555