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LUEAC Henri de and DNILOU Jean a:in jean|k:0746 (1)
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LUEAC, Henri de and DNILOU, Jean
Author: LUEAC (Henri de) and DNILOU (Jean)
CflT LUEAC (Henri De) And Dnilou (Jean)’ Sources chrtienncs. 32. GR200RY.I., Sai, surnamed the Great,Pope. Morales sur Job. Livres 1 et 2. Introduction et notes De R.Gillet. Traduct— ions. De A. De GauDernaris. [With the Latin text And a bibliography.] pp. 268. 8°. [l92]. ee GR3ORY I, Saint, sui-nained the GreatPope. LMoialia in Job - Iti And French,]
Card ID: 473