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LUDLOW John Malcolm to (john) (6)
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LUDLOW, John Malcolm
MASTERMAN, Ievie Charles
No Author available
Author: LUDLOW (John Malcolm)
LUDLOW (John Malcolm). The War of American Independence, 1775— 1783. London, 1906. COtBECK (0.) Epochs of Modern History, No. 17.
Card ID: 174
LUDLOW (John Malcolm). L bI%jL President Lincoln self—pourtrayed. pp. (8) + 239. Portrait. o . London boo.
Card ID: 173
DEPOS1TQRI LUDLOW (John Malcolm). British India, its races and it history, considered with reference to the nrutinies of 1857: a series of lectures addressed to the students of the Working Men’s College. 2 vols. 8°. Cambridge, London printed, 1858.
Card ID: 172
Author: MASTERMAN (Ievi11e Charles)
MASTERMAN (Ievi11e Charles). John Malcolm Ludlow, the builder oi Christian Socialism. [With a bibliography.) pp. vii. + 299. Portrait. 80. Cambridge, 1963.
Card ID: 182
Author: No Author available
S ‘CQ.M.L7 FD- CfC44 LUDLOW (John Malcolm). The Sermon of the Bishop of O.xforcL on revelation, and the layman’s answer. 1. A dialogue on doubt. By J. U. Ludlow. 2. Morality and divinity. By F. D. Maurice. (Tract.s for Priest and People. No. 6.) pp. (2) 1- 42. [Q.M.L.J 8°. Cambridge and London, [1861.3
Card ID: 175
Author: COLBEOK (Oha’1es)
COLBEOK (Oha’1es). Epochs of odern History, 17. LUDLOW (John Malcolm). The War of Arnerien- Independence, 1775—1783.. .With. • .maps. Thirteenth. impressionb pp. xviii. + 247. 16g. Lodo, 1906.
Card ID: 41