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LRD John a:an john|k:an (john) (3)
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LRD, John
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LAUD, William
Author: LRD (John)
‘LRD (John); 01: Derby. See PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS. Derby. The Notts. and Derbyshire notes and quer1es....dited by J. P. Briscoe and J. Ward. Nottinghani and Derby, 1893—96.
Card ID: 403
Author: No Author available
4:- . 9.9zQovi4J). - FISHER (John), pseud. [i.e. John PIERCY.) § LAUD (William), Archbishop of Canterbury. A Relation of the conference betweene William Laivd, then Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids, now Liord Arch—Bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuits ..,Wjth an answer to such exceptions as A.C. La Catholic, i.e. John Sweet”] .take against it [in “True relations of sundry conferences, iichard Beder: London, 1639. P 7 -———[Another edition.) With a preface by ‘rdweil. Qxford, 1839.
Card ID: 159
Author: LAUD (William)
‘I LAUD (William), Archbishop of Canterbury. A Relation of the conference betweene William Lawd, then Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids, now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite...With an answer to such exceptions as J.C. La Catholic, i.e. John Sweet?] takes against it tin ‘True relations of sundry conferenced’], . pp. (24) + 388. fol. Richard Badger: ondon, 1639.
Card ID: 10