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LOWRY Malcolm a:j \%i|k:j(i) (2)
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LOWRY, Malcolm
Author: LOWRY (Malcolm)
LOWRY (Malcolm). [two or !ore Yorks.] Porap,i, auourd’hui.. La Traveree du Panania. Poèmes. Correspondance. [Translated by C.Prancillon. Eoems translated by J.Follain.] tudes de G .Bonnefoj, J. -R.Oarroy, M.—P.Foucbet, C.rancillon, A.lAyrer, S.Spriel. pp. 206. Portraits, illustration, facsimile and plan. LParis, 1960.] See LETTRES IOUVELLS. Les Lettres nouvell. Huitiême anréo. 5.
Card ID: 281
1? L87F 965 LOWRY (Malcolm). Selected. letters of ).1co1m Lowry. Edited by H.Ereit & M.B.Lcwry. pp. xix. + b59. PortraIt. 80. Philadelphia and New York, 1965.
Card ID: 282