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LOWER Sir William it (william) (4)
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LOWER, Sir William
HUNTER, Sir William Wilson
GATES, William Bryan
Author: LOWER (Sir William)
LOWER (Sir William). The Enchanted Lovers. See GATES (w.B.) The Dramatic works and ;translations of Sir YIilliam Lower, ate. pp. 96—166. Philadehia, 1932.
Card ID: 216
Author: CORNWALLIS (Sir William)
(vu CORNWALLIS (Sir William). Essayes, or rather, encomions, prayses of sadnesse, and of the Emperovr Ivlian the Apostata. pp. (72). [D.—L.L.J 0 4 • Printed by G. Pursiove for H. Hawkins: ondon, 1616. Without pagination. Cropped, particularly at the lower edge.
Card ID: 383
Author: HUNTER (Sir William Wilson)
DEPOSITOR? HUNTER (Sir William Wilson). The Annals of rural Bengal. 3 vole. PlateeL illustrations, facsimile, plan, tablee and folded map. 8. London lEdinburgh printed], 1868—72, 1. The Ethnical frontier of Lower Bengal with the ancient principalities of Beerxn and Bisbenpore. 1868. 2—3. Orissa. 1872.
Card ID: 150
Author: GATES (William Bryan)
Q-iI) c GATES (William Bryan). The Dramatic woris and tran1ation3 of Sir William Lower, with a reprint of FThe Enchanted Lover&t. A theis...presented to the [tJniversity of Pennsyivania]...f or the degree of Doctor of Phi1osophy. [With a bibliography.] pp. 166. Faceimfle. 8. PhiladelphIa 1932.
Card ID: 175