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LOWE Peter a:on peter|k:is (peter) (2)



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    Author: LOWE (Peter)


    •;< CL o LOWE (Peter). A Diseovrse of the whole art of chyrvrgerie, wherein is exactly set downe the definition, causes, accidents, prognostications) and cures of al.]. sorts of dIseases. . .Whereurito is added the rule of making remedies which chyrurgions doe cominon].y use, with the Presages of divine Hippocrates. The third edition, corrected and much aaended. pp. (24) + 447 + (395. I1ustrations. t. 40 London 1654. p 381 is incorrectly numbered 38o. pprCect; wantirm the title-pageofl’The Presges. --

    Card ID: 96

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    Author: MANWOODE (Sir Peter)


    MANWOODE (Sir Peter). WILLIAMS (Sir Roger). The Actions of (the Lowe Countries. [with a dedicatory epistle by Sir P.Manwoode.) London, i6i8.

    Card ID: 561