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LOW George William it (william) (2)



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    Author: LOW (George William)


    LOW (George William). see FURMAN (i. H.) and LOW (Gr. w.) The Ue of th concentration cell in quantitative analysis. . .A dissertation presented to.. .Princeton Universit,.y... for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by G. W. Low, etc. .Est,n (pa.), 1935.

    Card ID: 26

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    Author: No Author available


    • Z Jt7. V V FURMAN (N, Howell) arid. LOW. (George William). The Use of the concentration cell in quantitative analysis. I. The estimation of small amounts of chloride in salts. A comparison of several electrometrio and. neplaelometric methods for the estirna.t,ion of small amounts of chloride. A dissertation presented to.. .inoeton University. • . .for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by G. W. Low. Reprinted. from the Journal of the .Ainerica.n ChemicalSociety, 7, t85, 195. pp. 7. Diagrams and. tables. V 8° Easton. (Pa.), t93.

    Card ID: 99