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LONG William a:are william|k:0808 (4)
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LONG, William
LONG, William Joseph
WELLESLEY, William Polo Tylney Long
Author: LONG (William)
LONG (William), M.A.._F.S.A. Abury illustrated...Frorn the Wiltshire Archeological and Natural aitory Magazine, 1858, Vol. iv. With. additions. pp. v. + 72. plates,iilistratio, diagrams and table. 4. Devizes, 1858.
Card ID: 373
LONG (William), M.L,F.S.A. Stonebeiage and its barrovs...Pron the Wiltshire cho1oica1 and Natural Ristory ILagazine, vol..X’!I. pp. V. + (1) + 244, platés,il1ustrat ions and folded rnap. 1876.
Card ID: 374
Author: LONG (William Joseph)
Depository LONG (William Joseph). American literature a study of the men and the books that in the earlier aM later times reflect the Anierican spirit. (With list of refersuocs.) pp. xxi4 + 481. Frontispieoe& illustrations. 0 8 • Boston, r1913).
Card ID: 376
Author: WELLESLEY (William Polo Tylney Long)
WELLESLEY (William Polo Tylney Long), 4th Earl. of Moi n ton. See OBSERVER. Kaleidoscopiana Wiltoniensia; or, a... view of the County of Wilts, during the contested election for its representation in June i8i8 between Paul Methuen, Esq., Wil1am Long Wellesley, Esq., and John Benett, Es., London, i8i8.
Card ID: 584