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LONG Thomas long (thomas) (29)



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    Author: LONG (Thomas)


    LONG (Thomas), Frebendary of Exeter. See SPILLUIGEI,EET (Edward), Bishop of Worcester. The Unreasonableness of separation: the second part...Begun by E.Stillingfleet. Continued from 1640-to 1681 Eby T.Long]. With special i’emarks on the life and actions of Richard Baxter. Lonion, 1682.

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: LONG (Eugene Thomas)


    PN73 Inn LONG (Eugene Thomas). God, seoularization, and history: essays in niemo.ry of Ronald Gregor Smith. pp. 161. Port. Columibia, S.C., 1974.

    Card ID: 296

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    Author: WALLACE (Thomas), of Long Ashton Research Station, University of Bristol and MARTIt (John Thomas)


    UA?JF Col WALLACE (Thomas), of Long Ashton Research Station, University of Bristol and MARTIt (John Thomas). Insecticides and colonial agricultural development. Edited by P. Wallace and J.T. Martin. Proceedings of the sixth symposium of the Colaton Research Society held in the University of Bri5tol, March 23rd-27th, 1953. London, 1951,. See BRISTOL. Coiston Research Society. Coiston Papers, 6.

    Card ID: 568

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    Author: BEDWELL (Thomas)


    BEDWELL (Thomas). See BEDWELL (W.) Mesolabivm architectonicvm: that is, a most rare and singular instrument, for...measuringplaines and solids by the foote,..Inuented long since by T. Bedwell, London, 1631.

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: BEDWELL (Thomas)


    BEDWELL (Thomas).. SCHONEUS (L.) De Numeris geonietricis. Of the natvre and proprieties of geometricall nvmbers...Englished, enlarged and illustrated with...tables and obserua— tions concerning the measuring of plaines and solids. All teaching the.. vse of a singular instrument or rular long since inuentod and perfitted. by T. Bedwell. London, 1614.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: DIGGES (Thomas)


    DIGGES (Thomas). DIGGES (L.) An Arithmeticall militare treatise, named Stratiôticos....Long since attpted by - L. Digges. . .augmented. . .and lately finished by T. Digges, . London, 1579. —[Second edition.] An Arithmetical warlike treatise named StratIoticos, London, 1590.

    Card ID: 422

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    Author: HUGHES (Thomas)


    PC)SiTflR’i HUGHES (Thomas), Lieuten. A Journal by Thos. Hughes For his amusement, & designed only for his perusal by the time he attains the age of 5Oif he lives so long.(1778—17d9). With an introduction by E.A.Benians. pp. xiv. + 187 + (i). Facsimile and folded man. 8°. Cambridge, 1947.

    Card ID: 247

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    Author: LODGE (Thomas)


    cc\\rj LODGE (Thomas). The Life and death of William Long beard, the most famous and witty English traitor, borne in the Citty of London. Accompanied with manye other most pleasant and prettie histories. 1593. Bee COLLIER (John Payne). Illustrations of old English literature. Vol. 2. LondQfl, privately printed, 1866.

    Card ID: 309

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    Author: PARR (Thomas)


    ii PARR (Thomas), of Winnington Shropshire. FIINDLEY (Charles), of Booksellers1: Row, Strand. The Old book collector’s miscellany, etc. Vol. 3. (The old, old, very old man; or the Age and long life o1 Ttiomas Par.,. By Iohn taylor.) .!ion 1873.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: ROGERS (Thomas)


    — ROGERS (Thomas), A.M., Chaplain to Archbishop Bancroft. ENGLAND. lChurch of England. — Articles of Religion. j A Treatise upon sundry matters contained in the Thirty Nine Articles of Religion, which are professed in the Church of England. Long since written and published by T.Rogers. London, 1639.

    Card ID: 174

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    Author: WALLACE (Thomas )


    DEPOSTOR’ WALLACE (Thomas ),. of Loni Ashton Pesearch Station,, University of Bristol and MARSH (Ralph Warren). Science and fruit. Edited by T. Wallace and R.W. Marsh. Coenoratin.g the jubilee of the Long Ashton Research Station, 1903-1953. pp. xiii, 303. Bibis., port., plates, diugs. and tables. Bristol, 1953.

    Card ID: 569

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    Author: WARING (Thomas)


    WARING (Thomas). A Treatise on archery; or, the Art of shooting with the long bow...Likewise a dissertation on the steel cross bow, with directions for using it. To which is added a summary sket’h of laws for archers...Pourth edition. pp.67. Plates. 12. ondon, 1822.

    Card ID: 145