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LODGE j Oliver Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (4)



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    Author: LODGE (j Oliver Joseph)


    LODGE (J Oliver Joseph). School reform: the presidential address to the Teachers’ Guild of Great Britain and Ireland, January 12, 1904. pp. 25. [L.W.L.J 8°. London, 1904.

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph)


    DEPO$1TOflY LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph). Science and human progress. (Halley Stewart Lectures, ii926.) pp. i:87 8°. London, 1927. (Another cony. J CLP. L.) IA L. LLcJ.1

    Card ID: 269

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    Author: LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph)


    LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph). See MUIRUBAD (J. B). By vthat authority?. The principles in - common and at issue in the Reports of the Poor Law Conrnission...-With an introduction br Sir 0. Lodge. London, 1909. tAnothor edition I The Starting point of Poor Law reform, etc. London, 1910.

    Card ID: 283

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    Author: No Author available


    KY. L. Je LODGE Lir Oliver Joseph). ass: TUCiTT (Ivor Lloyd). Psychical research.I. The illogical position of some psychical re— searchers: a reJoinder to Sir Oliver Lodge, P.R.S. and Mr. J. Arthur Hill. - 1913.

    Card ID: 289