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LOCKE Richard a:on richard|k:0467 (2)



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    Author: LOCKE (Richard)


    ci) LOCKE (Richard), Mathemain. The Circle squared, together with the ellipsis, and several reflections on it. The finding two geometrical mean proportional or doubling the cube geometrically. A new method to calculate all plain or spherical triangles without tables or scales, by only one rule of proportion, together with two appendixes to the book of longitude, &c. pp. (5) + lii.+54. Plates. [De M.] 4. London, [o. 1755).

    Card ID: 545

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    Author: LOCKE (Richard)


    LOCKE (Richard), ofBurnharn, Somerset. The Western ree1lion. [Published in 1782.) Reprinted for the Somerset Archeological and Natural History Society. pp. iv. + 26. 8°. Taunton, 1888.

    Card ID: 547