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LLOYD Albert Lancaster a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (3)
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LLOYD, Albert Lancaster
Author: LLOYD (Albert Lancaster)
YBJB7 lao LLOYD (Albert Lancaster). Come all ye bold miners: ballads and songs of the coalfields. Compiled by A.t.Lloyd. pp. 143. 8°. London, 1952.
Card ID: 77
\‘ i/J LI L’ LLOYD (Albert Lancaster). The Manuscripts and fragments of Notker’s Psalter. IWith a bibliography.) (Beitrge zur deutsehen Philologie, 17.) pp. 73. 80 iessen, 1958.
Card ID: 78
Muc Library ‘ 1?L ‘4L LLOYD (Albert Lancaster). The Singing Englishman; an introduction to folkeong. Ewith a bibliography.] (Keynote Series, 4.) pp. 69. 8°. London, 11944].
Card ID: 79