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LL William John a:i i john|k:on (john) (2)
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LL, William John
LL, John William
Author: LL (William John)
BURC1jLL (WIllIam John). Travels In the InterIor of Southern AfrIca... ReprInted from the orIgInal edItIon of l822-L., wIth some addItIonal materIal and wIth an IntroductIon by I. 8chapera. 2 vols. PortraIt, 1atejIlustratIons, facaImIles, lan, tables and folded ma. 8°. London, 1953.
Card ID: 99
Author: LL (John William)
MITCHILL (John WIllIam). RespIratIon of soybean plants In relatIon to length of daIly perIod, of IllumInatIon: a dIseertatIon submItted to (the UnIvereIty of ChIcago)... In candIdacy for the degree of Doctor of PhIlosophy...1932. [WIth a bIblIography.] pp. 2) + 25. DIagrams and, tables. 8°. ChIcago, l96. TescrIpt reproductIon.
Card ID: 574