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LL Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (46)



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    Author: LL (Joseph)


    PE1’)tLL (Joseph). See IASHIHGTOJi (coLuiBIA). Library of Qongçpss. Joseph Fennel]. memorial exhibition. Catalogue, etc. Washington, 1927.

    Card ID: 126

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    Author: LL (Joseph)


    HiLL (Joseph), sueces8ve1y Bishop of Exeter and. of Norich. The Kin&s Prophecie; or, Weeping Joy...By Jós. Hall. Lon.on, 1882. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Roxburghe Club. [PublicatioiTh7j o. no.

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: LL (Lewis Joseph)


    SHERRtLL (Lewis Joseph). Family and church. [With a bibliography.] pp. 266. 0 8 . New York, 1937.

    Card ID: 276

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    Author: SORTAIN (Joseph)


    SORTAIN (Joseph). The Life of Francis, Lord Bacon, etc. pp. vi. + 300. Portrait. [D.-L.L.] 8. London, [1851].

    Card ID: 415

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    Author: PAWCETT (Joseph)


    - PAWCETT (Joseph). Sermons delivered at the Sundar evening lecture for the winter season at the Old Jewry. 2 vols. D.—L.L.] 8. London, 1T9ö.

    Card ID: 204

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    Author: BONOMI (Joseph)


    DL-% btJ 0 L( BONOMI (Joseph). Nineveb and its palaces; the discoveries of Botta and Lanyard, applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. pp. c. + 402. plate, maps and illustrations. ID.—L.L.} - 0 8 . London, 182J.

    Card ID: 95

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    Author: CARYL (Joseph)


    CARYL (Joseph). - An Exposition with practicall observations continued upon the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth chapters 01’ the Book of Job: being the summe of XXXV. lectures, etc. [With the text.] pp. (10) + 672 + (20). TTi—L.L.] 40 Prnted by A. Miller. for L..Favin, J. Rothwell and G. Calvert: London,1649.

    Card ID: 448

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    Author: TVILL (Joseph)


    GLA1TVILL (Joseph). [The Vanity of Dogmatizing.] Essays on several important subjects in philosophy and religion. pp. (3Li.O). [D.-L.L.] 130 JJ. for J. Baker and H. Mortlock: London, 1676. Seven essays: of these, Nos. 3—7 have each a separate pagination.

    Card ID: 179

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    Author: PRISTLEY (Joseph)


    2 PRISTLEY (Joseph), LL,D. A Description of a. new chart of history, [Continued. The third edition, corrected. pp. 118. [De M.j 12°. Tpiori, 17’75. Bound in a vojunle lettered: PriesUeyTs Charts - of JioraDhy and History, [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 447

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    Author: BAIRELL (Joseph)


    bEPó8ITOFY BAIRELL (Joseph) Professor oL.Struct4ra1 (koio.y Lx1. o1eg. T2io Evolution of the earth and its inhabitants: a series of lectures delivered before the Yale (Thapter of the Sign. Xi during the acadeniio ‘ear 191e—1917. r J. Barrell, 0. Sobuohert, L.L. Woodruff, R. S. Lull, E. Huntington. pp. xi.÷ 208. Plates and illustrations. F0. Neis Haven and 1924.

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    ‘i4-L j HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. Epistles. The first volvrne, containing II. decads. (The second volume, contening two decads.) 2 vols. in 1. [D.—L.L.) 0 8 . London, i608. Imperfect; wanting vol. 3, published inl6lO—11. Tj.o titleoages are each surrounded by a woodcut border. The fourth decade has an additional titlepaze, also with a woodcut border. The imprint of Vol. 1 is ‘Printed by Ft.L[ownesj for S.Macham. & E.E.gar”. and that of vol.2, Pr1nted by A.Hlatfieldl for E.Edgar & S.Machau. Cropped.

    Card ID: 264

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    Author: PRIESPLEY (Joseph)


    PRIESPLEY (Joseph) LL. D. Memoirs of 3. Priest].oy to the year 1795 written by hirn8elf, with a continuation ...-by his son 3. Prieetloy, and oberv.tions -on his viritigs by T. Cooper and W. ChriBtie. pp. v.÷ 481. [J.I.J B? London, 1806. [Another copy.] (An appeiia.iz to Cooper’s Memoirs of Priestley, containing a review of Dr. Priestley’s theo1ogioi1 philosophical worics. By T.Christie.) 2. vole. The pagination j 8Q. LOndOn, 1806...

    Card ID: 459