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LL George a:be george|k:0208 (3)
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LL, George
LL, George Kennedy Allen
Author: LL (George)
LU] (jx) c luLL (George), Aithhor of rThe Electoial history Qf thc Borough of Labeth.) The Electoral history of the Borough of Lambeth since its enfranchisement in 1832, with portraits and. iaeoirs of its representatives d.uring 46 years. pp. viii. + 224. LD.1.LJ 8°. Lond.on, 1879.
Card ID: 368
ND1LL (George). See SHAISPEARE (W.) [Collected Poems.] The Poems of Shakospere. Edited with an introduotiori and notes by 0. WyncU2am. London, 1898.
Card ID: 196
Author: LL (George Kennedy Allen)
‘PS’7 B)LL (George Kennedy Allen), Bishop of_Qhche2ié. § TEMPLE (William), successively Bibop of Mancbester. Archbishop of lork nd rhhishoy of Canterbury. William Temple and his message: selections frqm his writings arranged by Canon A.E.Baker. With memoir by the Bishop of Chichester Li.e. G.K.ABell]. Harmondsworth and {ew Yçrk, 1946.
Card ID: 71