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LITTLETON Adam a:as john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: LITTLETON (Adam)


    - LITTLETON (Adam)’, . SELDEN (John). Tracts written by John Selden. The first entitu].ed, Jani Ang1oru facies aJ.tera, rendred into English, with large notes thereupon, by R.Westcot i.e. A.Littleton), . Iondon, 1683.

    Card ID: 464

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    Author: No Author available


    XII” Die Reference only. DICTIONARIES. [Languages. - Latin - English.] Linguae Romanae dictionarium luculentum novum: a new dictionary, in Live alphabets, representjng I. The English words and phrases before the Latin; among which latter no word or expression is admitted, but what is classic...!!. The Latin—classic before the English... The Latin—proper names of those persons, people or countries that frequently occur...IV. The Latin—barbarous...V. The Law-Latin...The whole completed and improved from the several works of Stephens, Cooper, Gouldman, Holyoke, Dr. Littleton, a large manuscript, in three volumes, of Mr. John Milton, etc. IA close adaptation of Adam Littj.eton’s ‘Linguae Latinae liber dictionarius quadripar4tus ,.i , tr PP l55w. 4°. Cambridge, 1693.

    Card ID: 360