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LIS Charles in (charles) (6)
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LIS, Charles
MALLET, Charles Auguste
No Author available
Author: LIS (Charles)
1LIS (Charles),. Agent to the [ayor of Oxford. Bill of aosts of Charles Ellis, agent in London to the Mayor of Oxford for the Coronation of George IV., 1821, eto. OXFORD. Oxford Historicial Sooiety. tP,b1ioatioñsL 5,. Colledtaiiea. Fourth Series. pp. 227—263.. Oxford 1905.
Card ID: 204
Author: MALLET (Charles Auguste)
DEPOSITORY MALLET (Charles Auguste). Histoire de ].‘4cole de Mégare et des coles d’!lis et drtrie. pp. iv. + lxxiv. ÷ 194. - (0.0.] 8°. Paris,. 1845.
Card ID: 3
Author: No Author available
L9e hUZT? (sir ].]is), WJ. IkON (Charles I!enry), Fellow esus CoIier.e,, Ctinbridge. A an nd Lis tirne: (a eoir of ir Ellis ilunter). [idd1eabrourh, 1962).
Card ID: 30
. LONOL’. Uuive4y_ of London. Universit!Libra. List of books in the Lady Library, presented by Sir Charles Welby. pp.20. fol. [London, 1913). Cata1oedfromthe caption. Bound at end of yolume of Lis of coii l9O6-l91.
Card ID: 321
— t C 1• C4 L ?LIS..1IER (Charles). fioafl: papiers d’un roiancier. pp. 254. Facsinile. 0 8. Paris, 1954. Rnother copy. [B — Plisnier] BELGiAN LIBRAy
Card ID: 12
S’YiZLiNG LI3RARV — O’ Y kohn. [Poetical Works. — Smaller Gpileptions.) Annus mirabi-lis: the year of wonders, M.DC.LXVI., an historical poem. Also a poem on the happy restoration and return of his late sacred Majesty Charles the Second. Likewise a panegyrick on his coronation. Together with a poem to my Lord Chancellor presented on New.Years—Day l62. pp. (20 ) + 116. - 0 London, 1688. Macdonald 9c. witn sepe titlepages to Astra Redux, A paneRyrick, and o my ]lord Chancellor. Tholuded in vol.IV of a copy of the collected edition made up by Tonson from separate editions and iiiued in 1695. S.L.C., I.3.
Card ID: 65