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LINDSAY, James Ludovio
Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovio)
LINDSAY (James Ludovio), 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Baloarres, Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Hand list of the Boudoir books. pp. 101. 8°. (Leipzig), rrnted for pz’jväte circulation], 1881.
Card ID: 290
EJ LINDSAY (James Ludovio). 26th Earl of_Crawford ar1 9th Ee.rl of Balcarrès. Ear’y bindings, broadsides, proclamations and balladà, exhibited by the Earl of Crawford at the Soirée of the Society of Antiquaries, 23rd June, 1886. pp.. 8. 4°. fLoori, prnte for ivate äirculation, 1886.)
Card ID: 298
- [JOIi LINDSAY (James Ludovio). 26th Earl of Crwrfor an. 9th Earl of Baloar— res, Seooncl International Library Oonferenoe. £ist of manusoript, printed books and examples of bookbinding, exhibited to tlio Amet’ioan librarians on the occasion of their visit to Haigh Hall. pp. 76. 80. Aberdeen tprintecl for pvate oiroulation), 1879. [With the book-plate of the arl f Crawforr I
Card ID: 299